Mastering Copilot: Crafting Effective Prompts and Applying Them in Practice - Empower 365 CoPilot Program

  • Datum:
    • 26-06-2024: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Prijs: € 595,00
  • Locatie: ILO - Online Training
  • Taal: EN
  • Categorie: Microsoft 365
  • Gegarandeerd: -


Note: Sessions for this course are offered for Empower 365 CoPilot Program (ECP) partners

Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Copilot in this comprehensive one-day course, merging the essential elements of "Getting Started with Copilot for Microsoft 365" and "Crafting Effective Prompts for Copilot in Microsoft 365." Designed to equip participants with both foundational knowledge and practical skills, this course offers a deep dive into leveraging Copilot across various Microsoft 365 applications to enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Note: This is a combination of the official Microsoft courses MS-4004 ( Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 Use Cases) and MS-4005 (Craft effective prompts for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365)

Key Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Copilot: Gain a solid understanding of Copilot for Microsoft 365, including its functionalities, integration with Microsoft 365 apps, and best practices for utilization. Explore how Copilot empowers users throughout the Microsoft 365 ecosystem and learn essential techniques for building effective prompts.
  2. The Art of Prompting: Delve into the importance of crafting clear, contextual prompts to maximize Copilot's capabilities. Through engaging demonstrations across Microsoft 365 applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Outlook, OneNote, and Chat, discover how to structure prompts for optimal response and efficiency.
  3. Hands-on Copilot Cloud Lab Experience: Immerse yourself in practical learning with our dedicated Copilot Cloud Lab Experience. No Copilot license? No problem. We provide access to our isolated demo environment, enabling participants to explore role-based hands-on labs without the need for individual licenses. Engage in a series of interactive exercises designed to reinforce learning and put prompting strategies into action.

Who Should Attend:

  • Professionals seeking to enhance their proficiency in leveraging Copilot for Microsoft 365.
  • Individuals responsible for improving productivity and efficiency within their organizations using Microsoft 365 applications.
  • Teams interested in maximizing the benefits of Copilot across various business functions, including executives, sales, marketing, finance, IT, HR, and operations.

Join us for a dynamic learning experience that combines theory with practice, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to master Copilot for Microsoft 365 and drive transformative outcomes within your organization.

No Copilot license? No problem. Participants will be provided access to Copilot and all necessary resources on the day of the workshop, ensuring a seamless learning experience.

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ILO - Online Training
NL Online Training

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