VMware vRealize Operations for Operators [V8.6]

  • Datum:
    • 27-08-2024: 09:00 - 17:00
    • 28-08-2024: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Prijs: € 1 380,00
  • Locatie: GMT - Virtual GMT
  • Taal: EN
  • Categorie: vRealize-Multi-Cloud
  • Gegarandeerd: -


This two-day course is for users who are responsible for day-to-day management of VMware vRealize® Operations™. This course explains policies, capacity concepts, and workload optimization with real-world use cases. This course covers application monitoring, troubleshooting using workbench, alerts, predefined dashboards, and explains how to manage compliance and configurations.


Note: If you have taken the VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage course, duplicate content makes this course unsuitable for you.



By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • List the vRealize Operations use cases
  • Identify features and benefits of vRealize Operations
  • Use interface features to assess and troubleshoot operational problems
  • Create policies to meet the operational needs of your environment
  • Recognize effective ways to optimize performance, capacity, and cost in data centers
  • Troubleshoot and manage problems using workbench, alerts, and predefined dashboards
  • Manage configurations
  • Configure application monitoring using VMware vRealize® Operations Cloud Appliance™
  • Monitor the health of the vRealize Operations cluster
  • Perform cluster management tasks


Intended Audience

vRealize Operations on-premises customers including operators and system administrators.



Before taking this course, you must complete at least one of the following:

  • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7]
  • 6 months hands-on vRealize Operations experience


Product Alignment

  • VMware vSphere® 7.0.3
  • VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™ 8.6

Course Outline

1 Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

2 Introduction to vRealize Operations

  • List the vRealize Operations use cases
  • Access the vRealize Operations User Interface (UI)

3 vRealize Operations Concepts

  • Identify the product UI components
  • Create and use tags to group objects
  • Use a custom group to group objects

4 vRealize Operations Policies

  • Create policies for the various workloads
  • Explain how policy inheritance works

5 Capacity Optimization

  • Define the capacity planning terms
  • Explain the capacity planning models
  • Assess the overall capacity of a data center and identify the optimization recommendations

6 Costing in vRealize Operations

  • Discuss about the cost drivers in vRealize Operations
  • Assess the cost of your data center inventory

7 Performance Optimization

  • Introduction to performance optimization
  • Define the business and operational intentions for a data center
  • Automate the process of optimizing and balancing workloads in data centers
  • Report the results of the optimization potential

8 Troubleshooting and Managing Configuration

  • Describe the troubleshooting workbench
  • Recognize how to troubleshoot problems by monitoring alerts
  • Use step-by-step workflows to troubleshoot the vSphere objects
  • Assess your environment’s compliance to standards
  • View the configurations of the vSphere objects in your environment

9 Operating System and Application Monitoring

  • Describe the native service discovery and application monitoring features
  • Configure the application monitoring
  • Monitor the operating systems and applications

10 Managing a vRealize Operations Deployment

  • Monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster
  • Generate a support bundle
  • View the vRealize Operations log files and audit reports
  • Perform the vRealize Operations cluster management tasks

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GMT - Virtual GMT
Instructor Led Offering
. Virtual GMT

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