Getting started with Google Kubernetes Engine

  • Datum:
    • 30-08-2024: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Prijs: € 650,00
  • Locatie: ILO - Online Training
  • Taal: EN
  • Categorie: -
  • Gegarandeerd: -


Learn how to create and deploy containerized applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This course features a combination of lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to help you explore and deploy solution elements —including infrastructure components like pods, and containers.

The training will be delivered in collaboration with PUE as Google Cloud Authorized Training Partner



To get the most out of this course, participants should have:

  • Completed Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience.
  • Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments



This course teaches participants the following skills:

  • Understand how software containers work.
  • Understand the architecture of Kubernetes.
  • Understand the architecture of Google Cloud.
  • Understand how pod networking works in Kubernetes Engine.
  • Create Kubernetes Engine clusters using the Google Cloud Console and gcloud/ kubectl commands.



This class is intended for the following participants:

  • Cloud architects, administrators, and SysOps/DevOps personnel.
  • Individuals using Google Cloud to create new solutions or to integrate existing systems, application environments, and infrastructure with the Google Cloud.


Course Outline

The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.


Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud

  • Use the Google Cloud Console.
  • Use Cloud Shell.
  • Define Cloud Computing.
  • Identify Google Cloud compute services.
  • Understand regions and zones.
  • Understand the Cloud resource hierarchy.
  • Administer your Google Cloud resources.


Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in Google Cloud

  • Create a container using Cloud Build.
  • Store a container in Container Registry.
  • Understand the relationship between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
  • Understand how to choose among Google Cloud Compute platforms.


Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture

  • Understand the architecture of Kubernetes: pods, namespaces.
  • Understand the control-plane components of Kubernetes.
  • Create container images using Cloud Build.
  • Store container images in Container Registry.
  • Create a Kubernetes engine cluster.


Module 4: Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads

  • The kubectl command.
  • Introduction to deployments.
  • Pod networking.
  • Volumes overview.

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ILO - Online Training
NL Online Training

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