Copilot for Microsoft 365 for Administrators

  • Datum:
    • 13-05-2024: 09:30 - 17:30
  • Prijs: € 595,00
  • Locatie: GMT - Virtual GMT
  • Taal: EN
  • Categorie: Microsoft 365
  • Gegarandeerd: -


This course begins by examining the Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 design. Its main focus, however, is on the security and compliance features that administrators must configure in their Microsoft 365 tenant to protect their company's organizational data before they implement Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Audience Profile

This course is designed for administrators, Microsoft 365 administrators, or persons aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Administrator role who've completed at least one of the Microsoft 365 role-based administrator certification paths.

Direct inschrijven

GMT - Virtual GMT
Instructor Led Offering
. Virtual GMT

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  • Persoonlijk advies over de juiste trainingskeuze
  • Opleidingsinformatie passend bij jouw loopbaan
  • Exclusieve tips van onze vakkundige vendors